Wednesday, May 06, 2009

3M man chooses Elkton to retire

Leonard worked for 3M for over 32 years; but when it came time to hang up his hat and call it quits, he chose Elkton to retire, where he and his wife bought a nice home in the south part of town. Leonard tells me that he did retire, but he still plans to work for the company a couple of days a week. He is not quite ready to leave the work place all together.

A little lumber shopping

Leonard had to take a little time off to visit the local lumber yard. After starting a project in his back yard for his 3 dogs, he realized that he needed a few more nuts and bolts to finish up the job.

Ready to till gardens

Leonard did not have to wait to get a day off work to get his snow blower off his tractor and his garden tiller mounted. He was ready to till gardens before the frost was out and the ground was warmed up. The locals down at the coffee shop keep telling him that there is still time to get that garden in.