Here I caught the father, the farmer, and the former county commissioner looking over the farm equipment for any potential problems. Clayton enjoys every chance he gets to come out to the farm and work with his son. There is that old saying. "You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the boy." Clayton is proof of that.
Now, here is a farmer who does a lot of his farming from the seat of his truck. He has his cell-phone, air-conditioning, a cooler with soda and beer, and time to check the crops. He also has time to be down right neighborly.
Lester is feeding cattle the old fashioned way, with a bucket and shovel. His neighbor oftered to move the grain bin closer to the cattle pen, but Lester feels he needs his exercise. This way he doesn't have to join a gym and pay gym fees.
Lester's wife once told me that he looks at his feeder cattle as his pets. So I asked him what he was planning on doing when he retired. His answer was, "I plan on farming. What I want to do is farm."
Joe is helping his son Tom get the sprayer ready for the field. He has just about got himself a full-time job keeping his Dad and son in the field. Oh! Maybe it works the other way around.
Don was out trying to mow hay when his rake broke down. Not only do you have to be a farmer, but one has to be a good farm mechanic as well. Don is about to be 80, and you still can't keep him off the farm.